Picture4The Buena Vista Charter Township Business Alliance (BVBA) helps to promote a climate of commerce in Buena Vista Charter Township and serves the welfare of the community as a whole. This will be accomplished by increasing the role of the Township and our business community through initiating monthly membership meetings and increasing the use of communications to promote and market members, companies, and the Township. 

The Buena Vista Business Alliance focuses its efforts on the forward development and growth of the association and its members. This can be accomplished by increasing engagement between the Township and its associates. Focus areas will be specific to the development of local business and local government relationships. 

Buena Vista Charter Township recognizes the importance of collaborative partnerships in order to deliver complementary solutions that meet increasingly complex community demands. The Buena Vista Business Alliance cannot succeed without dedicated members that want to help lead change in Buena Vista Charter Township. Any prospective partner within the region who is interested in working with the Township is encouraged to complete a membership application. If you have any questions about the Buena Vista Business Alliance, please contact